Remote code reviews bring a unique challenge: how to deliver feedback that’s constructive without losing warmth. This post explores an approach that combines clarity and empathy to make code reviews feel supportive, not critical.
I never wanted to be “another engineer”, but that’s exactly my title. Work is better than ever. Although the journey looks like junior, senior, principal/manager, it’s so much broader than that.
Software versioning isn't just an increasing number. I've put together some notes and thoughts on how we can track changes and releases usefully.
Reading large files from S3 can be a challenge, especially when you're constrained to a platform like AWS Lambda, and your language is Node. This post shows how you can overcome memory limitations and efficiently process data using streaming techniques.
How do seasoned engineers shape organizational standards and principles? Is a Principal Engineer just another level above a senior engineer? What makes them so different?
Nest is an excellent, stable API framework for Node. Designed for general backends, it can be a challenge cramming everything in to a Lambda.
The tools I use to get my jobs done in the way that I find efficient. It’s time for a better approach than /uses
It's a bit of a hot take, but you'll find there's a nice citrus undertone that tickles your keyboard