
🧙‍♂️ Netlify DevEx is Seriously Underrated: Local Serverless Development

4th Jan - 2021

Functions as a Service. FaaS. An API without the server. A little slurp of backend. Functions are a great way to get a bit of free hosting with minimal development - and effort.

I use Netlify because it just works. No faff. No DevOps pipelines. It’s great.

Their docs, however, don’t cover everything. They don’t even tell you the cool bits.

I’m want to cover two things now:

  1. How to write and develop a basic Netlify function, locally.
  2. How this integrated with Gatsby (other JavaScript platforms are available).

There’s some sick stuff in Netlify - they just don’t advertise it well.

🚀 Local Development

To start, start a project as you would normally. Pull in the Netlify cli, too.

yarn init -y 
yarn add --dev netlify-cli
mkdir api/

Create a netlify.toml file.

I’m very happy that this isn’t yaml like the other hip providers. I don’t like yaml, at all. toml feels far nicer and more organised than yaml, JSON or even JSON5.

We’ll use our glorious netlify.toml to tell the Netlify CLI where our functions live. For this, I’ll put functions in ./api. Here’s our netlify.toml:

  functions = "api/"
  base      = "./"

You’ll want to create a JS file in ./api to host your functionality too -

// api/my-function.js
const doSomething = require('./local-file')

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'}),

You’ll note that our function is in a file called my-function.js. This means you will make your request to http://localhost:8888/.netlify/functions/my-function.

To run, simple call npx netlify dev. When you deploy your code (I like to use the Netlify/Github integration), netlify.toml will tell the site where to find your serverless code.

That’s it!

⚛️ Gatsby Integration

So this is where the docs don’t big themselves up enough. This is awesome. You can host both your Gatsby site and your Function with netlify dev, on the same port. When they deploy, they’ll have the same URL. In code, you can do something like -

const {data} = await axios.get('./netlify/functions/my-function')

And it’ll translate over both local and prod. Far nicer than setting process.env.GATSBY_API_BASE!

How, do you ask?

Simple. Add more to your netlify.toml. I’ll add my full one. It configures deployment for me, too.

	functions = "api/"
	base = "./"
	command = "yarn build"
	publish = "./public"

	framework = "#auto"

The thing that makes this work is framework = "#auto". Does what it says on the tin. Guesses which framework you use. I’m assuming that this will find things like Next, too!

base, command and publish are all deployment commands. You can infer what they do!

The cool thing here is that your gatsby develop will be running on the same port as your function. HMR remains for Gatsby. It’s a brilliant experience.