How to Paginate in Gatsby

Published on 12 February 2021

🤖 Why?

The time has come. I’ve enjoyed writing about code here - though I still need to add some kind of tag when a page has a live demo.

I don’t want to list every single post on (/blog)[/blog] - More data transferred === slower load time. Slower load time === bad. Paginating is the ‘art’ of splitting out one page in to multiple pages - if you didn’t already know.

So, how do we do it?

Let’s look at the original blog page and see how we can change this. The OG page used the filesystem routing api and fell under src/pages/blog.jsx.

import React from 'react'
import { Link, graphql } from 'gatsby'

import Layout from '../components/Layout'
import SEO from '../components/SEO'
import PostSummary from '../components/PostSummary'

// query redacted for brevity

export const pageQuery = graphql`
query BlogContentQuery {}

const Blog = ({data: {allMdx: {edges}}}) => {
	return (/* some vdom */)

export default Blog

I’ve redacted some of the gumpf: We export some graphql for the Gatsby build and shove that in to the blog component. I’ve left a few imports in so that you can assert what the page might have looked like.

This is fine for a page - and we can re-use a lot of it when we paginate.

Unfortunately, we can’t use the filesystem API (unless we hardcode the number of pages). Let’s look at gatsby-node.js - we can declaritively create pages here. Ideal.

We need to do one extra thing: Move our Blog page to where our templates live. For me, this is src/templates.

📚 Paginating

Let’s open up gatsby-node.js. The idea here is that we:

  1. Resolve the path to our template - we’ll pass this to createPage().
  2. Structure our query a little differently (I’ll get on to this in a moment).
  3. Chunk the query result so that we can loop and create pages.
  4. ???
  5. Profit.

There’s one thing that I’ve eluded to in 2) - We need to change our query. Only slightly. It turns out that fragments do not work in gatsby-node.js. I spent ages chasing this down. If you’re using all of the hip Gatsby plugins - you probably use gatsby-image which has a nice fragment for those fancy progressive images — ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid.

We can simply unfurl this. From:

query BrokenImagequery {
  childImageSharp {
    fluid(maxWidth: 400) {


query WorkingImageQuery {
  childImageSharp {
    fluid(maxWidth: 400) {

And we’re good to go.

Let’s look at chunking. I’d normally reach for lodash here, but wanted to see how simple chunking is. It turns out that Array.reduce is like god mode. Let’s see how easily we can hack this out:

function chunk(arr, per_page = 5) {
  return arr.reduce((acc, cur, idx) => {
    if (idx % per_page === 0) acc.push([])
    acc[acc.length - 1].push(cur)
    return acc
  }, [])

Nice! Let’s string this together. I’ll redact the query for brevity…

async function createPages({graphql, actions: {createPage}}) {
  const component = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/templates/blog.template.jsx')
  const blogResult = await graphql(myQuery)
  const chunked = chunk(
  chunked.forEach((chunk, idx) => {
    const page = (idx + 1)
    const path = `/blog/${page}`
    const params = {path, context: {page, chunk}, component}
    if (page === 1) createPage({...params, path: '/blog'})

That’s come together nicely. Note that I also like to put the initial page on /blog: purely for vanity.

🖌 Finishing Touches

Finally, there’s the case of accessing the data in the Blog template. We can change the parameter destructure slightly.


const Blog = ({data: {allMdx: {edges}}}) => {}


const Blog = ({pageContext: {chunk, page}}) => {}

Nicely does it. Let’s add some simple next/prev controls, too. Only show prev when we aren’t on the first page. We can show next whenever. Eventually I’ll pass lastPage to pageContext so that we can also hide the next button.

<section className="flex justify-around py-4">
    {page !== 1 && <Link to={`/blog/${page - 1}`}>Prev</Link>}
    <Link to={`/blog/${page + 1}`}>Next</Link>

And that’s it! It’s pretty simple - and would be easier if Gatsby allowed for fragments in gatsby-node.