
šŸ§ New Site, Who This?

2nd Jan - 2020

Iā€™ve done it again. Created the blog again. From scratch. Again? Kind of.

I didnā€™t like my first site. It was made from a template. Iā€™m better than that. No disrespect to the author, but I like to write my own code and thatā€™s okay.

In early 2020 I tried to rebuild it, but didnā€™t like it. I was also in a bit of a slump, because I didnā€™t like my job. I donā€™t like it now, but Iā€™m getting back in to coding because thatā€™s what I want to do. Thatā€™s a different story. A different post.

The old site, currently hosted at hjf.io, was from a template: Lumen. I liked the template, plenty of white with some black and an accent colour. Sound familiar?

Iā€™ve also been toying with Tailwind and MDX. Iā€™ve also tried Next - didnā€™t like it. I wanted to play with all the tech that I liked and do away with those that I didnā€™t.

The stack for this website is:

  • Gatsby
  • TailwindCSS
  • MDX (and frontmatter ā¤ļø)
  • Netlify for hosting
  • Netlify functions

I donā€™t have a pretty architecture diagram for you. Else, Iā€™d have spent my time making a powerpoint and not doing anything productive.

āš›ļø Gatsby Config

To start I picked up the default Gatsby starter. This is the aptly named gatsby-starter-default.

yarn global add gatsby-cli
gatsby new . https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-default
gatsby develop

Gatsby default starter

Now that there is a default Gatsby skeleton running, weā€™re got to add plugins. A lot of plugins.

This is the way.

Iā€™m in two minds about plugins. On the one hand, I love them: You pull in everything that you need do to your task and it just (mostly) works. Itā€™s a bit of lego-programming.

On the other hand, I think it pushes a mindset of ā€˜get a library to do it, donā€™t program itā€™.

I donā€™t like the extreme part of this, where everythingā€™s just libraries linked. You donā€™t get a lot of control, or understanding of your code. I donā€™t htink you grow much as a developer, either.

I think this is why, in part, I didnā€™t want to rewrite the original site. I donā€™t have as much control over the code running in the background.

Thereā€™s an argument to be made for using libraries and abstraction though. Letā€™s not reinvent the wheel. Unless we can get 4 of them and slap a turbo on it.

Anyway, the Gatsby way is great. Use Markdown to format text, use GraphQL to fetch data and use plugins to enhance your site. Itā€™s nice to get a ā€˜wayā€™ to do something in React.

Iā€™ve kept with the some base plugins this time. I wanted to keep it simple enough to maintain, but give a slick user experience for when I show the site to my mum.

Plugins in use are:

  • mdx
  • react-helmet
  • sass
  • sharp
  • prismjs
  • smartypants
  • filesystem

Note: at this point, if you intend on using MDX, you need to make a few config changes. It took me a while to figure this out. Donā€™t be like me, steal code from me.

Add the correct MDX dependencies:

yarn add gatsby-plugin-mdx gatsby-plugin-filesystem @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react

Configure gatsby-plugin-filesystem and point it to your mdx files!

Once Iā€™d configured my plugins, I set out to create one template (for now), as well as a page for home, blog posts and quick hacks (these are cool). My about and /uses both use mdx.

šŸ’€ MDX Skel

Finally, I wanted to make pages easy to modify. Ease of editing with Markdown. Custom configuration with Frontmatter. Added functionality with React. MDX provides all of these (Frontmatter is afforded via gatsby-plugin-mdx).

For the uninitiated, Frontmatter adds some bonus YAML (ew) to the header of any Markdown/MDX page. This is metadata that we can query. My pages use:

  • Title: what to show on the page
  • Date: Some pretty metadata
  • Type: Blog/Hack/Other - This lets me filter for my hacks/blog pages. Remember that /uses and about arenā€™t a blog or a hack
  • Path: Where the page should live
  • Description: Something to entice the reader
  • Feature Image: Ooh shiney!

šŸ¦ TailwindCSS

At the time of writing, Tailwind has just hit 2.0. This is great, but gatsby-plugin-sass uses PostCSS 7, which isnā€™t compatible. I had to pull in a compabitility build

npm uninstall tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npm install tailwindcss@npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat @tailwindcss/postcss7-compat postcss@^7 autoprefixer@^9

šŸ” Homepage

Iā€™m pretty proud of the homepage. As well as the 4 most recent blog posts, it shows my most recent (public) commits on Github and my most recent Tweets. Each of these modules work differently.

Thereā€™s some basic logic to the blog posts: do it the gatsby way, fetch the posts via graphql. Iā€™ll chat more about frontmatter later.

  query PageContentQuery {
      allMdx(limit: 4, filter: {frontmatter: {type: {eq: "blog"}}}, sort: {fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC}) {
          edges {
              node {
                  frontmatter {
                      featureImg {
                          childImageSharp {
                              fluid(maxWidth: 400) {

From the beginning, Twithub and Gitter work the same: When the homepage is built, use the onCreatePage hook in gatsby-node.js to fetch the data fro the respective websites and add them to the page context. Iā€™ll talk more about this in another post though.

This is fine - but Iā€™m likely to write code after this is published. On page load, the modules simply use a custom hook to refresh the data.

The Github functionality calls the same function that gets called in the page building process. Twitter is slightly different thoughā€¦ Their API is a little contrived and I need a key to call read my own tweets. Iā€™ve abstracted this in to a Netlify function, which Iā€™ll detail in another postā€¦ Their documentation is somewhat lackluster.

The other pages, Blog and Hacks just pull in all mdx pages where their type === the page type. Thereā€™s not much interesting there.

šŸŽ Wrap-up

And thatā€™s it! I just started coding from there, threw a few deployment errors, struggled with DNS. We got this thing hosted.

Iā€™m already really enjoying working on this site. Itā€™s looking better than I thought it would. I can add lots of functionalty via MDX, too. Weā€™re in the early days and Iā€™m excited to see how the thing evolved.

There were a few posts that I gave reference to -

  • Working with Netlify functions
  • Injecting data in to a Gatsby page without GraphQL (To write)